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HOW CAN I PREPARE FOR THE TREATMENT?Please come with no eye makeup on. Clean lashes will give you better results.
CAN I WEAR MY CONTACT LENSES DURING MY TREATMENT?Please remove your contact lenses before treatment. You may put them back on after.
HOW LONG DOES IT LAST?The treatment lasts about 6-8 weeks.
IS THERE ANY MAINTENANCE INVOLVED AFTER THE TREATMENT?None, just re-book in 8-12 weeks to have your lashes lifted again.
CAN I USE MAKEUP AFTER THE TREATMENT?Yes, you can continue using all your products and cosmetics after 48 hours. Less than 48hrs will affect the quality of the lift.
WHAT IS THE AFTERCARE?***For the first 48 hours*** Do not wet or rub your eyelashes Do not apply cream around eyes Do not apply mascara Do not take sauna or facial Do not swim Comb your eyelashes upwards everyday
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LASH PERM AND LIFT?Lash lifts curl and also ‘lift’ each individual lash with the help of gently curved, silicone forms. This results in lashes that often appear dramatically longer. Lash perms use cylindrical rods to shape the lashes. The perming rods produce beautiful curls, but without the ‘lifting’ component, clients often feel like their lashes look shorter.
IS IT SAFE?The YUMI™ procedure is structured and designed with comfort in mind. The YUMI™ Lift and Fix products are not applied directly to the skin. The product is formaldehyde free and does not contain parabens or harsh ingredients. All the YUMI™ products are individually packaged for one time use only. Everything is sterilized and sanitized after each use to ensure the highest standard of hygienic control. All master trained YUMI™ technicians are required to work within the guidelines and standards of Canada.
WHO SHOULD NOT DO A LASH LIFT?***NOT recommended for those who*** - are prone to any form of eye disease - had recent surgery or eye infection - have extremely sensitive skin - have mild or severe allergies, are under the age of 16 (parental consent is required) - suffer from chronic back or neck pain and cannot lay down for 60-90 minutes - are unable to keep their eyes closed for a long period of time - expectant mothers may not be eligible for the treatment - breastfeeding mothers I reserve the right to refuse the treatment to anyone who displays any of the symptoms or conditions listed above.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT TO FEEL AFTER TREATMENT?It is not common, but the procedure may cause mild redness on the lash line. It should diminish within 10-15 minutes after the treatment is completed. You will feel refreshed as most clients end up taking a pampered nap during the procedure! You will feel fabulous with your new and improved lashes!
How long or short should my hair be?The hair should be ¼ inch to ½ inch for best results. If you have courser hair, it should be ½ inch for the first few waxes. Finer hair can be waxed at a shorter length. Hair grows at different stages – in different cycles, so it can take several sessions before the hair and skin feels smoother. It is very important to avoid shaving in between waxing, as this will disrupt the growing process, and stimulate the hair growth again.
Is there anything I should do before my waxing appointment?Please do not take a bath or shower immediately before treatment. Make sure the hair is the correct length ¼ inch to ½ inch. Please check with your Doctor if you are unsure whether you can have waxing while on medication.
Should I exfoliate before waxing?Yes, gently exfoliate your skin a day or two before waxing (not the same day) to remove unwanted dead skin cells.
How often should I get my waxing treatment?Every 4 – 6 weeks. It is important to have regular treatments as skin becomes less sensitive, and the hair follicle will not have as much grip on the hair being pulled out, resulting in softer, finer hair – and less of it!
What should I expect after my waxing treatments?Finer, softer sparse hair growth, and smooth skin!
How will I benefit from waxing?The more you wax, the less the hair! Waxing pulls the hair out from the follicle (root), resulting in finer, thinner, and reduced hair growth – not to mention saving you a lot of time.
Myth: waxing causes the hair to grow more.This is not true. Regular waxing reduces the hair growth, resulting in your hair becoming sparse, and less coarse. The only thing that causes more hair growth is hormones.
WHAT EXACTLY IS EYEBROW “SHAPING?”Eyebrow shaping is a 30 minute session that begins with a full consultation of your eyebrows. During the consultation, you will understand your eyebrows much better. You will know what areas will have to grow (if any) in order to achieve the perfect brow shape for your face. Your brows will then be expertly shaped by safely removing all unwanted hairs from the brows.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A WAX, AND A “SHAPING?” "During an eyebrow shaping, your eyebrows are expertly measured based off the natural bone structure of your face. This process allows proper brow growth if growth is needed to perfect the shape of your eyebrows. End result? Your BEST brows!
IS THERE A CERTAIN “MEASUREMENT” THAT DETERMINES WHERE MY BROWS SHOULD BE ON MY FACE?INDEED! Based on the bone structure, the eyebrows should start on the inside corner of the nose, up the bridge of the nose to the eyebrow. The tail (or end) of the eyebrow should line up to the outer crease of the nose, to the crease of the eye, to the eyebrow. The highest point of the eyebrow should line up with the ball of the nose, cut across the pupil of the eye, to the top of the eyebrow. This measurement is true to every face shape.
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF HAIR REMOVAL FOR THE EYEBROWS?We provide two different forms of hair removal for brows, waxing and tweezing. Waxing is preformed with one of our two waxes cream wax or hard wax. Hard wax is used for clients that have sensitive skin. Tweezing is performed by a hair removal tool called a “tweezer.” Tweezers are made to remove one or a few hairs at a time extracting the hair from the follicle. Because this method very gentle, it can be used alone for those who are extremely sensitive to other forms of hair removal or on medications that prevent them from being able to wax. However, it is commonly used in conjunction with waxing to achieve a more precise shape to the eyebrows and to remove hairs that are too short to wax.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET MY BROWS DONE?Healthy eyebrows grow in a cycle that takes about 21-30 days to complete. At the end of this cycle, any hairs that have been removed from the hair follicle should begin to appear on the surface of the skin. Therefore, most women should get their brows done every 3-4 weeks.
THE LAST TIME I HAD AN EYEBROW WAX, MY SKIN TURNED VERY RED AND BECAME EXTREMELY IRRITATED. AM I ALLERGIC?"All possible allergic reactions should be checked out by your physician. Most irritation from waxing comes from improper waxing techniques – and that is not your fault! Here are a few things to keep in mind and pay attention to when getting waxed. Most professionals who perform facial waxing typically use what is called “All Purpose Wax” or honey wax. This wax is not intended for the face. It was made to remove thick, coarse hairs on thicker skin from the neck down. When this wax is applied to the face it can be too harsh. Pearl or cream wax is the wax that should be used on the delicate skin of the face. Don’t be afraid to ask your brow artist what wax she will be using. REMEMBER! Do not take any form of retinol or vitamin A at least two weeks prior to your waxing service. This includes, but is not limited to: Retin-A, Differin, or Accutane. These medications are typically prescribed to people with acne or to those with more mature skin to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. They help with these two issues because they are formulated to increase cell turnover by thinning out the skin. Waxing while taking any forms of these medications can cause irritation, skin burns and can cause a layer of your skin to be removed. If you are unsure if your skin medication contains retinol, consult with your dermatologist.
What is Henna?The Latin name for henna is Lawsonia Inermis. It is a bush that grows in the north of Africa, the Middle East and India. Crushed into powder it is used to decorate the skin.
What is the difference between regular henna and Supercilium brow henna?Supercilium henna brow tint is 88% natural henna. It’s cruelty free, vegan and made in an ecological minded factory where there is a special focus on work-ethic and protecting nature. Supercilium is made of the finest selected henna from India. It takes 10 to 20 minutes to develop and it leaves a stain on the skin up to 14 days.
How long do henna brows last?The henna stains up to 6 weeks on the hairs and up to 2 weeks on the skin, depending on your skin type.
What is Brow Lamination?Brow lamination is designed to straighten the brow hair resulting in an instantly full, lifted and fluffy brow. Who is brow lamination the best for? EVERYONE and anyone!!
Are there are pre/post-procedure things people need to follow? i.e. not wearing makeup, not getting brows wet?"Yes of course, like most brow treatments - Do not wet the brow for 24 hours and avoid going in saunas.
How long does it last? What's the maintenance involved?It lasts up to 6-8 weeks. Each morning your Laminated brows will require styling by brushing and setting in place.
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